Which wines pair best with grouse?

By on 12/08/2019

Eating perfectly cooked grouse with a judiciously selected bottle or two is one of the great gastronomic delights. But what to pair with (arguably) Britain's most delicious game bird? Good, old red Burgundy 'The traditional answer to the question of what to drink with grouse is 'a bottle of good, old red burgundy.

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New Restaurant Listings

New Restaurant Listings & Corkage Offer

By on 30/07/2019

'The food of the Inns of England is the stuff of which heaven is made.' At least it was in 1748 according to the then Venetian ambassador to Britain. It's a quotation popularised by the late, great TV chef, polymath and bon viveur, Clarissa Dixon Wright (if you haven't listened to her episode of Desert Island Discs, you must).

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Wine and Microphone

Wines in the Press – Summer 2019

By on 24/07/2019

A round up of our recent press mentions in the UK press and reviewer's blogs. Benefit from our case price discount in red by buying a 12 bottles of the same wine or mix your favourite ones. SEPTEMBER Priorat reds: Panel tasting results, Pedro Ballesteros Torres, 25/09/2019: 2016 PLAER Priorat Ritme Celler SOLD OUT £27.

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BYOB at Lorne Restaurant – July 2019

By on 05/07/2019

BYOB Corkage at Lorne - July Only Our lovely friends at the brilliant Lorne Restaurant in Victoria have a very special corkage offer for customers in July. For all Saturday bookings they would like to extend an offer of £5 corkage, so that you can dig in to the cellar and bring out that special bottle you have been meaning to drink and take it along to enjoy with their exceptional food.

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2014 Brunello & 2013 Riserva

Opposites Attract: Two Very Different Brunello Releases – 2014 & 2013 Riserva

By on 27/03/2019

Every March the new releases from Montalcino are unveiled. The rules stipulate that Brunello must be aged at the estate for 5 years and for the Riservas it is 7 years before hitting the market.  2019 therefore marks the release of the 2014 Brunellos and the Riservas from 2013.

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