
Weds 19th Feb: The Wines of South Africa tasting – L&S Chiswick – 8pm

By on 13/02/2014

There are still some spaces left at next week’s South African Tasting. Should you be in the mood for a some crisp and refreshing white (most of which, perhaps counter intuitively, aren't Chenin Blanc); an array of finely textured reds (to the relief of many, not from Pinotage, except one that really is worth trying) and an outstanding sweetie, then advance just £15 to us to secure your place.

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Susie & Peter and the best value 2012 Burgundies

By on 07/02/2014

You will be aware of Susie & Peter. They may sound a bit like CBeebies presenters but they are, in fact, the two rising stars of wine reviewerdom - Peter Richards MW and Susie Barrie MW, two MWs who married each other and take turns to pop up on 'Saturday Kitchen' conjuring up wine matches to the cuisine on offer in James Martin's TV kitchen.

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Tim Atkin MW – Best Value Producers

By on 03/02/2014

Just published is Tim Atkin's 2012 Burgundy Special Report, available for £12 from his website, an incisive and in-depth tome on all things to do with this most extraordinary of vintages. It's £12 well spent, especially if you are considering making a purchase or two, which Mr Atkin would seem to heartily recommend.

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Christmas near Cornwell … New Year In Cornwall

By on 23/12/2013

Closing the shop on Christmas Eve (we are open until five tomorrow) is always a challenge and I may have to see if I can sneak off a bit early to get to my favourite carol service. The charm is worth it - the tiny thirteenth century St Philip's church of Little Rollright has no electricity, and so the rare services here are entirely candle-lit.

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…and Joanna Simon’s wine of the YEAR is:

By on 17/12/2013

Andrea Oberto, Barolo Vigneto Albarella 2009
Barolo (Piedmont), Italy, Dry Red (Cork), 14.5% abv
The tasting of the year for me was a Quinta do Noval and Noval Nacional port tasting, the same six vintages of each, but as retail stockists are as common as hens’ teeth I’ve chosen this fragrant, expressive Barolo instead:

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Merry-christmas-lea and sandeman

Merry Christmas and Last Orders for country deliveries by midnight tonight!

By on 17/12/2013

For London deliveries the cut-off remains midnight this Saturday the 21st December.

For those of you lucky enough to live within range of one of our shops, or to be visiting London some time in the next week, our shops remain ready to welcome you up until 5 o’clock on Christmas Eve and help you make your Christmas drinking just that extra bit special, and we very much look forward to seeing you.

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