Saint Emilion and Satellites
We found lots of great value around the satellite appellation - as usual Denis Durantou's wines are very strong, with Montlandrie, the Castillon, taking a big jump up, and Pierre Taïx's Puisseguin, 'La Mauriane' is just gorgeous. Great values in Francs too - Puygueraud, La Prade and Alcée, all from Nicolas Thienpont, are lovely. "This seems to be an exciting year for the St-Émilion satellites."- Jancis Robinson.. Lots to like among the top crus with a fabulous wine from Canon, and great wines too from Tertre Rôteboeuf, Figeac and Clos Fourtet and Beauséjour Becot. At the lower end of the Saint Emilion scale, there are some really lovely wines - a particular recommendation is Chateau Jean Faure, Olivier Décelle's property by Cheval Blanc and L'Évangile. With 50% Cabernet Franc, this has turned out a cool lush winner.
Click any wine name to see details including other reviews. The detail page will also give pricing for other sizes in some cases, but bear in mind that all wines can be ordered in six-bottle cases and halves and magnums as long as these are offered by the property.
L&S recommendations are marked with this symbol
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